Feature Category: Our Features

Make Payments

Pay your utility bills, local sellers and partners, by just scanning and sending the QR Code. No need to enter the reference, amount or name.

Cash In

Deposit cash absolutely free of charge at any PayXaf Agents. To deposit cash into your wallet, provide your phone number or e-mail and cash to the Agent.

Cash Out

Withdraw cash from any PayXaf Agent worldwide. To cash out, provide your phone number or e-mail to the Agent andconfirm withdrawal with your OTP.

Email Notifications

Make professional Email invoices for your sales or ecommerce transactions and send it for payment directly to your counterparty.

Money Transfer

Transfer money in less than a minute to your family, friends, business partners or anyone anywhere in the world using PayXaf Mobile Account.

Complete Wallet

We safeguard your private data and financial assets whenever you manage your account, deposit money, make payments, or send money.